Class Night Program

Class History
June 12, 1970

Below is a copy of the script used for the slide show at Class Night.  You will have to use your imagination when there is a reference to a slide as the slides have been lost to the years.  Thanks to Cathy Barbano Cerulli for preserving this historical document.

The Birth of the class of 1970:
Burton St., Erieville, Green St., New Woodstock, Perryville--
Even then there were signs that ours was a class of distinction and character:
Like the day at Burton St. when ______*______ never did make it to the boys' room;
or the time when somebody dared Pat Kennedy to kiss Jill Bodley in the middle of his class- and he did it;
and then there was poor Dave Daley
who became the social outcast of the 3rd grade when he wasn't invited to Gayle Cox's Halloween party because he was too rough.

Early signs of dramatic ability showed up in Erieville with the 6th grade production of the year, starring:
Jim "Uncle Sam" Welch, "Orpha" Mike, Don "The Killer" Coling, and "Angel" Patty McCarthy.

Those were the days when the boys used to chase the girls.  At Green Street, for instance, the kindergarten marriage between Steve Johnson & Cathy Barbano was happy for the week that it lasted.  And Jack James always carried a torch for the young helping teacher, Miss Boice.  The diversified talents of the Class of '70 were evidenced when Woody displayed his ability as a lawyer at the famed "Pinky & Stinky Eraser Trial" of the 5th grade.  And in the 6th grade, Lois Ransom and John Hunter won the 6th grade twisting contest.

In New Woodstock things were a little backwards as usual.  The girls were chasing the boys -- or maybe that was just a foreshadowing of our high school years.  Shawsy move to Woodshed in the 3rd grade, chasing Steve Tennant like a jet.  And why was Nelda the only one with free admission to Roger's treehouse?

The Perryville kids came to Green Street after 4th grade having completely exhausted the educational resources of their own school.  Some of the infamous members of that crew were Mike "Pollack" Ackerson who had all the girls swooning over that curly red hair, Steve Weisbrod who was always jealous of Mike, Larry "Coonser" Coons, Pat "Puba" Dougherty, Diane DeKing, and Donna Walters.

With some additions & subtractions in membership through the years, our class finally came together in full force in 7th grade  (Slide of Eddie & Cathy).  Always anticipating the new & exciting, we took on Jr. High School with the united spirit which would soon become our trademark.

The tradition of our high school social lives was to be established by Jr. High Dances with the girls on one side of the gym, boys on the other, only to come together to perform such uncivilized dances as the "Pony", the "Swim", and the "Freddy". (slide)

We were molded into the responsible students we are today by such teachers as Miss Bohl--hey, do you remember the astonishing similarity between her and Mickey Mantle? --no, what -- they both packed a 38!  (off stage heckle)  Among her disciplinary measures was a playpen -- for the sole occupancy of Howie Ryan.  Not to be outdone, Mr. Stevens would put Jeff DeBlois under his desk and give him a kick every now and then.  We can thank Mr. "Scratch" Horan for our note taking abilities these days and Mrs. "I-Spy-With-My-Little-Eye" Coutant who introduced to her idea of intellectual pastime.

Ninth grade gave us a new name: the Freshman Class and it came with the privileges of riding spectator buses and going to Sr. High assemblies.  That was the year the Mafia found its origins and left its mark on the cafeteria ceiling (some dried-up peas, if you look close enough).

And in our Sophomore year we entered the wildly exciting world of organization.  Class meetings, officers, bake sales, the Winter Carnival at Mystic, and our first Prom!  (Magical Mystery Tour flash on screen).  Another distinguishing event of that year: (like news flash) Robin Bullock calls the office to report a minor disturbance in room 204 concerning one Jack James who is being thrown out the window.   And our Sophomore teachers:  Mrs. Tichnor,  with her ear-to-ear hairpins, Miss Cargan who needs no further description, and Mr. Baker (slide of light bulb).

The Junior year and it was time to start looking to college.... who was it that scheduled the SAT's on the day we played VVS?...
We all showed particular class support one night by attending a party when we were supposed to be sponsoring a dance--what was Woody doing up on his roof?
That year our Prom was "London by Lamplight", the Mafia goes to another Barbra Streisand movie, and Maple & Holmes Roads partied us straight through to set us up for our senior year.

We made an impressive start, didn't we, that first weekend in September?  Always united by a devilish cause, the Class of '70 appeared on the hill above the football field, shovels in hand, to leave the mark we had grown to love.  Somebody else wasn't quite as appreciative, however, and there was a temporary halt in the proceedings -very temporary - a few days later there it was  (slide of '70).

With the victorious close of our last football season came our last Victory Dance.  There was a night when we all showed SPIRIT!   And there was another dance, around Christmas.  Didn't somebody get frostbite that night?

Looking back at years that have passed, our class has taken in some members to be proud of.  Our thanks to Ernie Swifledork for telling those Talent Show MC's what to do with their talent!  Speaking of new members, the Class of 1970 would never have been the same without our own foreign exchange student Ken Monji  (slide).  His contributions in math, in gymnastics, and the only senior to go to the track intersectionals at Rochester.  In Ken we see living proof of the famous old Japanese proverb: "He who walks on his hands can see where he's going better."

The big people in the front office should be well seasoned now in appreciating our jokes.  Not only did we dig our numerals in the turf out back, but we "fertilized" them into the front lawn (thanks to a night raid by fleetfoot, Brown Bear, and the forest rangers).  And wasn't the administration understanding  about May 1st (Senior-Skip Day" flash on screen) when over 90 of us found our names on the black list...  And who else but Senior "yo-yo's" (slide) could have been fun-loving enough to give us their own rendition of "Swanee River" over the P.A. system?

Of course these were only some of the lighter achievements.  Academically our record is un-surpassed.  Hats off to all the teachers who, knowing that you can't teach a senior anything, put so much effort into giving us a fun year.

* At the suggestion of one of the original authors, the name will remain a mystery.  Perhaps it can be revealed at our 50th reunion!

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