Cazenovia Class of 1970

Mystery Photo

This photo was provided by Mike Carroll. 
What is this group?
Can you identify the individuals?

Mystery Eight

WHO WILL HELP "LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE?"  ----- The U.S. Forest Rangers will when the the curtain
goes up May 15-16 at 8:00 p.m. in the CCS Auditorium.  Left to right, Front row, Steve Hayes, Dave Ziff,
Pat Kennedy and Don Watson.  Back row, Jeff DeBlois, Jim Woodworth, Dan Steffan, and Mike Carroll.
Tickets for the musical are $1.00 for adults, Fifty cents for students.

Mike Carroll provided a copy of the May 13th, 1970 Cazenovia Republican in which this photo appeared on the front page! 
The caption is reproduced above.  The newspaper sold for 10 cents back then....

Doug McCord, August 19, 2005

Well, what a cast of handsome rangers.  I was dragooned to play the drums in the “pit” orchestra, so was privileged to see and hear a few of the performances from pre dress rehearsal to the big show.  Steve Hayes managed the leading role, and only droll Steve would refer to the play as little fairy Mary.  Steve is in NY, and performing comedy, of course, so he did make it to the stage and movies.

What a gas.

Sally Webster, August 7, 2005

I thought only my mother had pictures of that !!! She took so many of that play that I think if you put them together and flipped through them you would could see the entire play just like an old movie !!!!
-patrick- (Kennedy) July 29, 2005

What I don't understand is why none of my classmates ever made it in
Hollywood or on Broadway. Here are the facts: Because I was such a
rotten singer I was assigned the only non-singing part in this musical
production. My role was the Indian Chief (I forget the specific name,
something like Chief Big Butts). As I recall my responsibility was to
learn my very few speaking lines, and when to say them, which mostly
consisted of single syllable grunts. Limited talent I had.

Stan Thompson July 29,2005

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