Cazenovia Class of 1970

Liquor Store

Is this a stick up?

Photo courtesy of Ernie Balch


Who is in the photo?

"It’s another xcountry runner, Pat Nichols, class of 69, also from Erieville."  

Don Coling

"It is not any of those three.  I think it is a younger classman who was in FFA.  Where is Andre' Lapine when you need him??"

Mary Moriarty Kurlick

"Absolutely and simply hilarious.  I feel like I should know these gentlemen.  Using Doug’s list I’ve whittled it down to a half-dozen suspects, although as I recall the contemporary list of my classmates as the usual suspects numbers in the dozens.  I hate to guess and be wrong, because it is such an incriminating photo.  By any chance does one of these two have a name that ends in “…ski?

Stan Thompson


"I know the individual with his wallet out is Mike Wasilewski, and I believe he is getting some special juice enhancer for his 2 mile race.
And I'm not sure but I think the other individual is Pete Dady, making sure that he choses the highest quality brand."

Ed Theobold

"I'm still trying to figure out how it is that Ernie has a picture of Mike and Jim (Welch) in a liquor store ...   I wasn't sure if it was Jim or his brother Tom right off, but the more I looked at it  - it has to be Jim considering the location.  I wish Jim was still with us to share this with."

Roger Elliott


"I checked out the mystery photo....and I think the other guy in the photo is Roger Elliott. Least that's who I think it is!!"

Cathy Barbano Cerulli

  "I took the photo a long time ago.  Of course it's Mike!
My vote is Pat Nichols, but I can't be sure.  Mike and Pat used to hang out together.  I am sure that it's not Peter or Jim. "

Ernie Balch


"I’m from Erieville! (and proud of it!).  I went to school with Pat and Jim.  We had 3 teachers and six grades. 
Pete’s from New Woodstock and I went to scouts with him. 
That’s not Jim or Pete.  It’s Paul Nichols’ oldest son Pat!!!!  Confirmed!!!!!"

Don Coling


"I am sure it isn't Pete or Jim.  I thought it was Pat Nichols. Who has a yearbook?"

Pam Winslow Johnson

"The mystery man sure looked familiar when I first saw it, but no name
came to mind. It certainly doesn't look like Peter or Jim to me, so I vote for Pat."

Steve Tennant



"Hey, are you sure you want to know who these guys are?  They look like a couple of desperadoes robbing a liquor store.
 In fact they're still on the run.  Ernie must have been driving the getaway car, he's the only one of us that had a car (or even a drivers license) at that time".

                                                Mike (AKA "BB Gun") Wasilewski

And, the answer is:


"The general consensus is correct, the mystery man is Pat Nichols.  The details are a little fuzzy after all these years but I'm sure Ed was correct in assuming we were getting very healthy "special juice enhancers"  (well, at least it was processed from whole grain).


I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe holiday."


                                                   Take care, Mike Wasilewski 12-23-04

"The mystery man is Tom Welsh (class of 72)".

Dan Tennant, Class of 71





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