Cazenovia Class of 1970

Thrill Hill

Doug, where is Thrill Hill?  Who took that?  It reminds me of what we called
the 'High Road,' a short-cut off Rte 13 between Chittenango Falls State Park
and Cazenovia. I don't know the current name of the road.  The particular
bump in the road I'm thinking of was one where you'd fly in the air if you
drove fast over it.  My Dad used to rent the farm owned by a guy named
Hodges whose house etc has long since fallen down on the west side of the
road.  The old entrance to the homested was at the top of that bump.  What a
kick if this is the same spot in the photo that I'm thinking of.

I am sure now that it is the same spot.  The road does become Lincklaen St.
in Cazenovia.  That location is engrained in my mind for another reason.
From kindergarten through senior year, I rode the school bus over that bump.
I always thought of it from the other direction because we would drive TO
Cazenovia from our farm which is past Chittenango Falls and up on the
opposite side of the valley about 4 miles farther south from this location.

My Dad used old man Hodges' barn to store hay and equipment while he rented
the property.  We got another wonderful bonus from Hodges place. One day,
Dad heard a small squeaking sound and found a tiny puppy in the ditch near
the barn and brought it back home.  It was so small my Mom fed it with a
eyedropper and kept it wrapped in a cloth.  We knew someone tossed it, and
probably the rest of the litter, assuming it would die.  My brother and I
begged to keep it (we were small and cute then, too) and the dog turned out
to be the best dog we ever had.  Although he was a 'mutt,' he had an inbred
herding ability.  He watched us bring the cows in from the pastures and with
no training and very little encouragement, decided he could do that.  He'd
round up our dairy cattle every morning and night and bring them to the barn
for milking, a task that used to take us a lot longer on foot searching all
over the pastures for that last slow cow.  He turned out to be perfect
watch-dog for the farm and for us kids, he was a great dog to play with.

Enough of nostalgia for now!
Carolyn Olson, 3-9-02

Note from the editor:  Peter Dady and I took the photo on August 12, 2001.

The picture of Thrill Hill was awesome.  Seeing John Kinker's Duster ...airborne... would have made the picture a true 1970 event!
Dick Ryan, 1-20-02

Nice mystery photo!  Does make me ask the question, what significance did this stretch of road have?
Has Maple Road been paved?
Catherine Barbano, 1-22-02

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