believe that is Cathy
Barbano's senior
class picture. I remember her always standing in the front row
the right side. And she is wearing
the necklace I gave her from 7th grade.
Jack James
Hey, that's our first grade class with Mrs. Nash !!!! I'm the one in
the front row sneering at a worm.
I recognize a lot of them , Robin Marshall, Peter Bohmer, Mike Carroll,
Sally Stearn, Sue Schmidtka, Rosie , and yes the girl at the top left
is Sue Ryan, and the boy next to Cathy is Ricky . Steve Will is in
there too I have to think some more on the names of the others or look
up my own class picture to see if I wrote names on any.
Marcia Norris McPherson
I believe the boy next to
Cathy Barbanio is Rick Churchill,
behind him
is Anne Tobin. The girl 2nd from the left on the 2nd row is Robin
Marshall. I am wondering if the girl on the left of the top row is Sue
Ryan. I agree with Ed about Steve Johnson and of course Marcia knows
who she is.
Bodley Lewis
<>The two people that jumped out at me when I first
looked at
the photograph and that I recognized on my own are Cathy, my next door
for nearly two decades on Rippleton Road, and Paul Enders in the middle
of the
front row.
Now that others have identified
them, I concur that is Rick Churchill next to Cathy and Steve Johnson,
Morgan, in the front row.
And that must be
one of the prettiest girls of our entire class, Robin Marshall second
from the
left in the second row.
And that has to
be Sue Ryan on the left in the back row.
Wow, what a flood of good-time memories.
Although I feel feeble because I sense I know these people and
remember more names.
I had forgotten
that Mrs Nash was the teacher.
guessing first grade at
joined our class when my family moved to Cazenovia halfway through my
grade, and the photograph may have been taken before I arrived (if it
is the
first grade).
Wasn’t our second grade
teacher at
Green Street
white-haired Mrs Standard?
Okay, here’s
some wild guesses:
Sally Webster between
Cathy and Paul in the front row.
that be Michael Carroll to the right of Robin in the second row?
Even though she is partially hidden in the
back row could that possibly be Pam Winslow on the far right?
How about John Kinker next to Sue Ryan in the
back row?
Does anybody remember Brad
He must have moved away before we
graduated in 1970.
Is that Brad on the
far right, second row?
How come Rick’s
neighbor Peter Bommer (spelling?) didn’t graduate with us?
The big head next to Robin second row looks
like a young and confident Peter.
I know
these people…
Stan Thompson
The photo is
first grade taken at Green Street
during the 1958-1959 school year. I recognize almost everybody.
Front Row: Sally Stearns, Steve Johnson, Marcia Norris, Paul Enders,
Sue Schmidtka, Rick
Cathy Barbano
Second Row: Mike Carroll, Robin Marshall, Peter Boehmer, Carole Holt,
Skip Weeden?, Barbara
Steve Will
Third Row: don't know, Rosie Smith, don't know,
Nancy Coleman, Ralph Rovig, Mrs. Nash
Fourth Row: Sue Ryan, Billy ?, Terry Robinson,
Jerry Davis?, Audrey ?
This was fun! It brought back a lot of memories.
Marva Lucas Spuller